
Emerging Platforms | Boost Your E-commerce Sales with Direct Mail

Discover how PostPilot can help e-commerce brands leverage the benefits of direct mail, increase their revenue and retention, and stand out from their competition.

image depicting the blog post with post pilot showing their direct mail platform.

The Resurgence of Direct Mail in E-commerce Marketing

Direct mail has been a tried and tested marketing channel for decades, but it has become increasingly popular among e-commerce brands in recent years. That’s because It has proven to be an effective way to convert customers, with an average conversion rate (CVR) of 6%, which is higher than Facebook ads or email campaigns. Additionally, it is typically cheaper than the cost per click.

Despite its effectiveness, direct mail can be challenging to deploy. Marketers may struggle with where to start, which campaigns to run, or which segments to target. They may also have difficulty designing campaigns for a print medium.

Simplifying Direct Mail with PostPilot

PostPilot solves all of these problems by making direct mail as easy and automated as email marketing. PostPilot natively integrates with your e-commerce tech stacks, including Shopify, Klaviyo, and many more. They include a professional design service and real-time dashboard to show ROI per campaign allowing marketers to use customer data to create dynamic segments and campaigns.

PostPilot offers a premium option called "handwriting," which allows for a "personal touch" and is available across all plans. This feature is popular for retention campaigns, including one-off promotional or seasonal events, abandoned carts, win-back campaigns, cross-sells, and handwritten VIP cards.

For acquisition campaigns, PostPilot offers exclusive MailMatchTM technology, which finds postal addresses for email subscribers or anonymous website visitors. Prospects can also be targeted based on life events such as a new move, new parent, etc. Custom/proprietary lookalike models can also be created.

Examples of Effective Direct Mail Campaigns

Along with this, direct mail is a low-cost, low-competition marketing channel. The price of postage is capped, and PostPilot customers enjoy the predictability of marketing spend. Physical and tangible marketing works, and direct mail can cut through the digital clutter and stand out from the competition. And with Ampla’s new partnership with Post Pilot, we’re provide our customers with 50% off PostPilot Pro and a 20% card credit after their first campaign, making it easier and more affordable for businesses to use direct mail to convert customers.

If you need some help getting started setting up a campaign, we provided some examples below:

Win-Back Campaigns

Win-back campaigns are designed to bring back customers who haven't made a purchase in a while. If a repeat customer hasn't made a purchase within a specific time frame, you can send a postcard with an incentive to come back. This campaign can be highly effective in encouraging repeat purchases and increasing customer loyalty.

Discount Ladder and Abandoned Cart Campaigns

Another effective postcard campaign idea is the discount ladder. This campaign works by starting with a modest discount to incentivize a repeat purchase. As the customer becomes less likely to come back, the discount can be increased over time to encourage a purchase. Additionally, you can also send postcards to customers who added items to their cart but did not complete their purchase. This campaign can be targeted to existing customers or prospects who have entered their address.

VIP Campaigns

Thank-you campaigns and birthday campaigns are excellent ways to show your customers that you value their loyalty. Thank-you campaigns can include a coupon code for your customer's loyalty, while birthday campaigns can be personalized with a special offer for their special day. These campaigns can help create brand evangelists and drive more revenue.

Holidays and Seasonal Events

There are tons of holidays and seasonal events throughout the year that offer fun and creative ways to drive brand awareness and revenue. You can create campaigns for Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, Cinco de Mayo, Earth Day, and many more. Additionally, launching a new collection or having a sale can also be an excellent opportunity to get the word out with a postcard campaign.

Post-Purchase Campaigns

Post-purchase campaigns are designed to drive repeat purchases and build customer loyalty. Sending a postcard to new customers with an incentive to buy again can be highly effective in encouraging repeat purchases. Additionally, sending a postcard after the second purchase can help ensure that the customer becomes a customer for life. Cross-selling by the product they purchased and sending a coupon for a complementary product can also be an excellent opportunity to drive more revenue.

Omnichannel Campaigns

Studies show that you can convert more and generate 25% higher top email ROAS with multi-channel touchpoints. Replicate your best existing campaigns using postcards to drive more engagement and revenue. Additionally, creating a Klaviyo segment of active customers who don't open their emails and sending a postcard campaign can help you get your message in front of them.

The Advantages of Using PostPilot for Direct Mail Marketing

PostPilot is a game-changer for businesses that want to use direct mail to convert customers. It makes direct mail easy and automated, with real-time dashboards and a professional design service. The premium handwriting option adds a personal touch to campaigns, and the exclusive MailMatchTM technology allows businesses to target prospects based on life events. With PostPilot, businesses can transform the way brands communicate with their customers using a low-cost, low-competition marketing channel that can cut through the digital clutter and stand out from the competition. Click here to learn more about how PostPilot can help your brand reach more customers and increase customer retention and loyalty.

Ben Walter
PostPilot Head of Partnerships

As Head of Partnerships at PostPilot, Ben remains focused on building strategic relationships with tech partners and agencies in the Shopify ecosystem to bolster their direct mail offerings. When Ben isn't forging partnerships, he can be found conquering the great outdoors, lacing up on the court, or whipping up a cocktail for family and friends.

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Image showing Ampla’s integrations with Quickbooks, pinterest, shopify, tiktok, and facebook to name a few. As well as conversion rates and funded status
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